Afternoons with my Nonni book by Amanda Di Pancrazio. Book cover shows a grandma and grandpa standing in a front doorway, waving to a child in the foreground.

Afternoons with my Nonni is a story about the cultural gifts and language that Italian grandparents pass on to their families to keep heritage and traditions alive.

It’s a story about a child who spends the afternoon with their Nonni and learns about all the things that keep Nonna and Nonno busy - and their culture thriving!

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I was lucky to have my Nonni in my life for a little over 30 years. They taught me how to speak (their dialects of) Italian, and my Nonna taught me recipes for treats that I make to this day when I’m feeling nostalgic. They told me stories from their youth and what it was like growing up in the smaller towns of Italy during WW2, which leave me in awe at what they lived through, and how crazy and brave coming to an unknown land with nothing is. Most importantly, they showed me an immense love that I miss dearly every day.

Who is Afternoons with my Nonni for?

Afternoons with my Nonni is a children’s book for tutti! (that means everybody)

Why should I read it?

  • You want to introduce some Italian words and traditions to your child.

  • You want to learn about the Nonni experience at a very high level.

  • You miss your Nonni and want to remember what afternoons with them were like.